About See media and event bios below Short (55 words) From Ireland, Darragh McKeon is the author of two bestselling novels. His debut ‘All that is Solid Melts into Air was a New York Times Editor’s Choice and in France won the LIRE prize for best international debut....

Film Akhirah– Written and directed by Darragh McKeon Three years ago, Sharif Hassan sold his kidney to begin a new life in Barcelona. Now, he acts as a broker for an underground clinic – convincing new immigrants to trade their organs for money. When his boss’ bipolar...

working words MentorshipEach year I take on a limited number of students to work with for twelve months. These come in the form of monthly one-one-one sessions that are tailored specifically to what the student needs. You can be working towards something specific – a novel,...

contact AGENT DETAILSFrances Coady, Aragi Inc.www.aragi.netconnect@aragi.incAGENT DETAILSFrances Coady, Aragi Inc.www.aragi.netconnect@aragi.incIf you would like to get in touch with me directly, please drop me an message to the email below.info@darraghmckeon.com...